5 Strategies to Calm Race Day Jitters

Anxiety over your race in the week leading up to the race and on the morning of the race can lead to some sleepless nights. The strategies for coping with race day jitters are similar to those for coping with any form of anxiety (public speaking, first day at a new job, etc). So, take a deep breath (hey, that’s strategy #1) and enjoy the day. You’ve trained hard, nourished your body along the way, hydrated well in the week leading up to the race and you’ve fueled your body on race morning (even if you’re nerves kept you from getting any sleep). Just remember, you’re not alone. Whether this is your first race or you’re an elite athlete with hundreds of events under your belt, race day jitters can still get the best of you.

Strategy #1 – Leave for the race extra early.  Nothing sends your nerves through the roof like realizing you may end up being late for your swim wave.  The last thing you want to see at 5:30am is a long line of tail lights at the race exit!

Strategy #2 – Practice positive self-talk. This is something that carries over from pre-race to during the race. We can sometimes be our own worst enemy, especially mentally. Imagine yourself on the course being successful. Envision yourself passing the other athletes! (wink).

When you’re out on the course, tell yourself how amazing you are while you’re swimming through the open water. Give yourself an imaginary high five at the top of those hills on the bike course. By the time you get to the run, you really need to use positive self-talk. YOU are your cheering section so give yourself some mental You Got This Girl’s (or Boy), Way to Climb that HillYou’re Almost There, Stay Strong, Looking Good. We all have to do it. Even the athlete who crossed the finish line first had to do this!

Strategy #3 – Take a Deep Breath.  I mean this in the literal sense. After you’ve laid out all your gear in the transition area, venture away from the mob of other athletes. Stand by the calmness of the water and run through the course mentally. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. This does wonders for clearing your mind of negative noise and calming those nerves. I use the same strategy I have my 8 year old daughter use, 10 Deep Breaths with my eyes closed. Think yoga class. Stretching also has a way of naturally putting you in a relaxed state.

Strategy #4 – Listen to Music. You may not be able to take your music out on the course with you, but listening to it before the race along with Strategy #1 & #2 can help you get you in the zone.

Strategy #5 – Capture the Moment. One of the things that calms me down the most at races is socializing and capturing the moments with friends. When you’re laughing and having fun talking with friends, you’ll forget all about your nerves.

Race day wouldn’t be complete without a sea of nervous athletes.   I hope that these strategies help to put you in the right frame of mind to go out there and race your best race. Funny thing about nerves, once you cross the finish line, they’ll be gone!