Sports Performance Conditioning Coaching

Sports Performance Conditioning

Focusing on an athlete’s movement and strength to help improve the athlete’s performance efficiently and safely

Regardless of the sport, improving physical conditioning is the first step toward improving sports performance. The main benefit of sports conditioning is achieving readiness for both training in sport-specific area as well as competitive performance. In addition to sport-specific skill drills, components of sports performance conditioning includes power, strength, speed, balance, agility, coordination, and endurance.

Sports Performance Conditioning focuses on two main goals: Improving athletic performance including agility, speed, and power AND preventing or reducing athletic injury.

Sports performance conditioning for many athletes is a year-round endeavor. Off-season training programs focus on base building and the development and/or maintenance of strength and power as the athlete prepares for their upcoming sports season. In-season training typically focuses on maintaining fitness and preventing injury.

Sports performance conditioning programs are customized based on the age of the participant, the skill level of the participant, the sport the participant engages in, and even the position played. An understanding of the Clients’ strengths, weaknesses, and athletic goals is part of the training plan process along with addressing muscle imbalances and flexibility issues in order to prevent injury.

A well-planned sports performance conditioning training program will benefit the athlete by:

Improving performance for each individual athlete.

Improving strength through the application of force, to improve the athletes ability to hit, throw, block, and kick harder.

Improving speed by addressing the technical aspects of sprinting and agility.

Improving power through the implementation of strength and plyometric exercises.

Cardiovascular development should be maintained through regular aerobic workouts in order to train the body to process oxygen and produce energy at a higher level. This results in the ability of the athlete to perform with less effort and for longer periods of time.

girl playing tennis

Contact Catalyst Performance Lab to get started!