Articles/Blog Policy

Content on this blog is for informational purposes only. The views expressed on this site are my opinions based on my real journey. Content on this site including that from guest contributors should not be substituted for consultation with your physician(s). In plain english, CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR! While I have degrees in psychology, chemistry and forensic science, the information provided on this site are based on self-experimentation, other subject matter experts, and other resources and publications. My nutrition experience is based on what has and has not worked for me and nothing more. There may be content on this site for which I do not possess any academic or professional qualifications in the subjects presented. The information results from my own experience, or experiences I have read about or been told about. The reader is, therefore, personally responsible for ensuring the safe application of anything described herein. Furthermore, it is the reader’s responsibility to verify the accuracy and reliability of information contained in this blog with an appropriate source before acting on it. I am not liable for any damages, injuries, or losses that occur as a result of utilizing any information or content posted on this blog, including information or content contained in any provided links. I hope that you find the content of this site resourceful, engaging and, at times, humorous. Neither Catalyst Performance Lab, LLC,, Cassandra Burke nor any contributors to or accept liability for any injury, illness or death which results from application (correct or incorrect) of advice or information contained in these pages.


Content on this site is the property of Cassandra Burke and Catalyst Performance Lab, LLC. All content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Photos and content posted on are my original creations unless otherwise stated. Unoriginal and/or adapted content on this site contains a link to the work that inspired the content. Catalyst Performance Lab is committed to inspiring others. Thus, interest in sharing the content of this site is very much considered a compliment. If you wish to share content from Catalyst Performance Lab, please include a link back to my site in a very clear, distinct manner crediting my authorship as Catalyst Performance Lab. Please do not reproduce any post in full or in part without my permission. Additionally, no more than one photo from any post may be shared to your blog and/or social media. Photos may not be edited to skirt this rule. You may contact me regarding permission to share content at

NOTE: You may PIN any content to your Pinterest account without restriction to this policy.


Who doesn’t love comments! Engaging with my readers is of utmost importance to me, so comments are strongly encouraged here at Catalyst Performance Lab. I personally moderate all of the comments on my blog. In general, I try to respond to all comments. Typically, comments of a substantive nature will be engaged. Comments such as “cool blog” or “great post” may not receive much interaction. If your comment contains a question or information that needs my attention quickly, you should email me as it may be days before I get to all the comments on various posts. Feel free to email me at Comments are moderated to ensure that they are appropriate in nature. Catalyst Performance Lab reserves the right to remove or decline to publish any and all comments that are deemed inappropriate by Catalyst Performance Lab. Examples of such comments include, but are not limited to, those containing rude, profane, discriminatory, or offensive language as well as comments that appear to be spam or unrelated to the content of the post. General Commenting Rules: Please refrain from profanity, bullying others, and leaving non-supportive content. We are all in this together and should support each other, not tear each other down. Quality debating a topic is encouraged. Do Unto Others…..! I reserve the right to edit and/or delete any comments for any reason. I will respond to comments/emails within 48 hours. If I can’t answer your question completely in that time frame, I will at least acknowledge receipt of your email so that you know I’m working on it. Keep in mind, like many of you, I work full-time and have a family. As a general rule, if a blog post is more than 30 days old I probably won’t respond to any new comment/email questions.


Testimonials found on Catalyst Performance Lab have been sent to us by customers and clients and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. The testimonials are meant to be a showcase of the best results the program has produced, and should not be taken as the results a typical user will get.


The content on is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the meal plans or exercise program’s from should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or health care provider first. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. I am not a medical professional and nothing on this website should be misconstrued to mean otherwise. There may be risks associated with participating in activities mentioned on If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such dietary activities. These risks may also exist for those who are currently in good health right now. Catalyst Performance Lab, LLC is not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death as a result of using any products or services from Catalyst Performance Lab, LLC. These Blog Policies are valid as of January 1, 2015 and are subject to change without notice. See Catalyst Performance Lab, LLC ’s Disclosure Policy and Privacy Policy for additional information pertaining to the use of this site.